
Truckers Want to Split Up Their 30-Minute Breaks

With the FMCSA’s proposed changes to the current hours of service rules comes new suggestions from truck drivers. During the Great American Trucking Show in Dallas, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration set up a public listening session where truckers could voice their concerns about the HOS changes. Drivers are…

Taking Care of Your Drivers

With so many stress-causing factors in the world, companies should remember to take care of their driver’s needs by keeping them healthy and happy. Driving large, heavy trucks can be a very daunting task when you think of all the things that can go wrong out there. Some of these…

New Study Shows Health Risks in Trucking Industry

Michigan based consulting firm Atlas Injury Prevention Solutions conducted a study to look deeper into the health and wellness of those in the trucking industry. For both drivers and non-driver employees, the study looked at hypertension, cholesterol, blood glucose levels, triglycerides, waist circumference and body mass index (BMI). Done over…

Eat Healthy on the Road with CDL Meals

Out there on the road we tend to look for something to eat that is quick, easy, and cheap. Yet, we overlook just how unhealthy our choices are or we know they are unhealthy and just ignore it. By improving our health we feel better in the long run and…

Worklete Expands into Safety Training for the Trucking Industry

The software company Worklete has hired new executives and doubled its size over the past year. They focus on preventing accidents in the workplace like pulled muscles, slips and falls. Worklete is now available to teach truck drivers how to take care of their bodies and break the bad habits…