Other News

Rhode Island Truck Convoy for Special Olympics

Truckers and law enforcement of Rhode Island are teaming up to raise money for Special Olympics with a Truck Convoy event. The first annual Torch Run Truck Convoy will be held at the Travel Centers of America on 849 Victory Highway in West Greenwich, Rhode Island. Together they will raise…

American Trucking Associations’ TMC Opens Technician Skills Competition

American Trucking Associations’ Technology & Maintenance Council has opened its 15th annual National Technician Skills Competitions. The TMCSuperTech 2019 is being held at the Raleigh Convention Center in Raleigh, North Carolina. From around the country, 132 technicians will be competing in three tracks, Heavy-Duty, Trailer, and Light/Medium Vehicles. Also, 49…

Fill Your Diesel Tanks ASAP

Last Friday night a fleet of drones attacked Saudi Arabia, taking out almost half of its oil production capabilities. News reports have stated that it could take weeks to resume normal operations. On Sunday evening, oil future markets opened with the first trades over 20%. If this holds, the price…

Idaho Trucking Association Show Truckers Appreciation

At the Hollister port of entry in Hollister, Idaho, truck drivers were given goodie bags in recognition of National Truck Driver Appreciation Week. This second annual event, put together by the Idaho Trucking Association, had people holding signs up for truckers and gave them goodie bags. Various businesses and the…

Kenworth’s Tribute to Honor America’s Truckers

For National Truck Driver Appreciation Week, Kenworth Truck Company has made a video that portrays what a trucker does from start to finish along with a little girl’s dreams. The short video shows how the trucking industry impacts people’s lives and how it is still part of our future.

Should You Own or Lease Your Trailer?

When it comes to owning or leasing a trailer there are many factors that come into play. For some, owning is the way to go and for others, leasing or renting is the right path. It all depends on what you need it for and how it will ultimately affect…

World’s Largest Truck Convoy Raises Money for Special Olympics

The route has been set for the World’s Largest Truck Convoy in Nebraska. Escorted by an army of truckers and law enforcement, they will be traveling from Hastings to Grand Island on Saturday. This is their 16th year of raising money and awareness for the Special Olympics. Opening ceremonies begin…

New Study put in Place to Help ‘Freight Alley’ Near Chattanooga

Put together by the Tennessee Department of Transportation and Thrive Regional Partnership, there is going to be a new study which should help the flow of traffic in Chattanooga’s ‘Freight Alley’. Over the next year, the counties in Northwest Georgia, Northeast Alabama, and Southeast Tennessee will be examined to determine…

Truck Driver – Available to Play in One Week

The launch for SOEDESCO’s Truck Driver is set for September 19 where it will be released on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. As players build a trucking empire with many tasks, characters, and scenarios, they get a unique view into how the trucking industry operates. Watch the launch trailer here:…

Tony’s Transfer Celebrates 50th Anniversary

From Wadena, Minnesota, Tony’s Transfer has been around for 50 years. Dave and Dianne Rousslang run the 48 state carrier which started out delivering just in the area and have since embraced long distance trucking. Besides the trucking industry in general, one of the biggest changes they have seen in…