Due to COVID-19, the Guilty By Association Truck Show is not going to happen this year and will be back again in September of 2021. They gave it their best efforts to continue this coming September but their main entertainer canceled and quite a few sponsors and vendors expressed concerns about the virus as well. So, to not put their thousands of attendees into a mix that could lead to more people getting sick, they pulled the plug. Watch the announcement below.
GBATS 2020 Show Updatehttps://youtu.be/eyD_g2CULvsWhile working on the finishing touches of the best truck show of the year, it became evident that we were going to have to downplay several of the key events that make GBATS so fun and exciting. Our main entertainer for Saturday night canceled on us last week due to COVID-19 concerns, several sponsors and longtime exhibitors were expressing concerns, and Joplin has been dubbed a MO hot spot for the virus. In good conscience, we cannot put the health of 10K to 12K participants, staff, volunteers, sponsors, exhibitors, and attendees at risk. Plus, GBATS just wouldn't feel like GBATS in a restricted/downplayed manner. However, we aren't waiting for 2022 though, be ready for September 2021 where we will have your beloved, action-packed truck show back again! For this year join us on Friday, September 25th, as we will be hosting a legendary 4 Hour Facebook Live Event just for you! Stay tuned for more details!#4StateTrucks #ChromeShopMafia #chrome #chromeshop #customtrucks #semitrucks #trucking #customrig #bigrig #18wheeler #tractortrailer #largecar #cdldriver #trucker #truckers #truckerslife #longhaul #GBATS2020 #BestTrucksShowEver #Peterbilt #Kenworth #Freightliner #Mack #International #Volvo #WesternStar