Designing Apps for Truckers

When designing applications and software, it is important to look at all aspects of how your intended audience would use it. The co-founder of Wise Systems, Layla Shaikley, has some good advice to give when developing smartphone apps for truckers. She suggests riding along with drivers, have them use the…

Comment Period Extended for Autonomous Vehicle Regulations

To further assist in gathering information about automated driving systems in commercial trucks and buses, the American Trucking Associations and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Technology Engagement Center have extended the deadline for comments on their proposal until August 28. It focuses on regulations already in the system that would…

Turning Cow Manure into Fuel for Fleets

Energy investing firm EIV Capital has recently helped raise $75 million that will be put towards the research of turning cow manure into clean energy products. These funds will be used by Amp Americas, who is currently trying to figure out how to turn animal waste into biogas for trucking…

Logistics – Shipping Race Cars

Getting race cars to and from their races is one for the logistics department. There are many factors to take into consideration when getting the car where it needs to be, it’s not just a load and go situation. The trailers and trucks that pull them must be well maintained,…

Walmart’s Heart Convoy Celebrates Little Girl

In Mattoon, Ill., Lyndsey Grubbs, who underwent open-heart surgery, was honored as an “open heart warrior” by Walmart. Trucks gathered in the parking lot for her ‘Walmart Heart’ convoy that traveled from the Mattoon location to the Charleston location. While wearing her trucker hat and shirt, she got to ride…

Washington Company Honored for Hiring Veterans

Motor Trucks out of Everett, Wash., is being recognized for giving veterans jobs. With a staff of 32, 20 percent of them are veterans. When former Marine Jamin Woody was promoted to service manager and given authority to hire people, he made sure to hire veterans. With this being the…

The Trucking Industry and Machine Learning

There is a lot of data that flows through trucking companies and when that data is put through some complex algorithms, it can help visualize where your trucking company is headed and how to fix future problems. Averitt Express uses Omnitracs to learn more about their drivers and how to…

New Ramp Service in Barstow Launched by Schneider

At the BNSF Barstow, California ramp, Schneider has begun offering intermodal services. This new ramp provides a cost-competitive transportation service for the Las Vegas, Southern California, and Western Arizona areas to ship to the Chicago and northeastern U.S. markets. Five days a week, service will go to and from the…

Waupun is Set to Celebrate the Trucking Industry this Weekend

Waupun, Wis., will be celebrating its 30th annual Truck-n-Show this coming weekend at the Waupun Community Center and Tanner Park. There will be hundreds of truckers and trucks from all over the U.S. and Canada attending this event. Proceeds from the event go to the Make-A-Wish Foundation and the Special…