Reducing Stress Out on the Road

Everyone stresses out about something. As a truck driver there are many factors that can cause us stress, like being away from home, missing our families, traffic, and many other things. Here are some ways to help reduce stress in our industry:

  • Stop, move, and stretch. Even if you can’t pull over to move around you can stretch at a stop light or while waiting in traffic.
  • Put on some good music or listen to an entertaining podcast.
  • Make sure you get enough sleep.
  • Your route would be less stressful if it was fully planned.
  • Take some slow, deep breaths.
  • Do your best to eat as healthy as you can.

Everyone should follow these simple stress reducers, but for truckers it’s important for our safety and those around us that we keep our levels of stress in check.

Read the full article here.