
USDOT has Updated the Hours of Service Rules

The United States Department of Transportation’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has updated the hours of service rules. With these new rules comes the hope of improved safety and increased flexibility that our country’s truckers have been looking for. With input from around the country and the public comment forum,…

OOIDA is Asking the President to Help Truckers

The Owner-Operators Independent Drivers Association is asking President Trump to look into and change regulations regarding truck parking, compliance, available restrooms, and other current issues truckers are facing during this time of crisis. Truck drivers are what’s currently keeping this country functioning, and it’s barely holding on. Without them, we…

Truckers Hauling Maine Lobsters Could see HOS Changes

Lobsters need to arrive at their destinations alive, so they can be cooked and eaten. A bill has been introduced to the Maine legislature by Democratic Sen. Eloise Vitelli proposing that truck drivers hauling lobsters would be exempt from some hours-of-service restrictions. Haulers of other food products have already been…

HOS Lifted for Wildfire Assistance

Wildfires currently cover thousands of acres in California and firefighters are making as much progress as they possibly can with the lack of rain and high winds. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has temporarily suspended some regulations including hours of service and the Temporary Operating Authority Registration fees. This…

Truckers Want to Split Up Their 30-Minute Breaks

With the FMCSA’s proposed changes to the current hours of service rules comes new suggestions from truck drivers. During the Great American Trucking Show in Dallas, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration set up a public listening session where truckers could voice their concerns about the HOS changes. Drivers are…