trucking industry

ATA Applauds Senate for Passing CARES Act

The American Trucking Associations is praising the Senate for passing the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act. This bill will help Americans and small businesses recover from the health crisis going on all over the world right now. Like other small businesses, this bill will help small trucking companies…

OOIDA and TIA are Asking for a Postponed Roadcheck

The annual Roadcheck is scheduled for May 5-7 and the Owner-Operator Independent Driver’s Association and the Transportation Intermediaries Association are asking for a postponement during the COVID-19 health crisis. They are stating that right now people should be focused on getting the trucks full of supplies to those who need…

OOIDA is Asking the President to Help Truckers

The Owner-Operators Independent Drivers Association is asking President Trump to look into and change regulations regarding truck parking, compliance, available restrooms, and other current issues truckers are facing during this time of crisis. Truck drivers are what’s currently keeping this country functioning, and it’s barely holding on. Without them, we…

#ThankATrucker to Show Appreciation

Around the country, some supplies are becoming scarce due to the coronavirus and people are finding a new appreciation for those who haul our goods. There is a new hashtag being used out there to show truckers just how much we appreciate their continuing efforts out there on the road….

ATA Asking the Government to Not Hinder Trucks

Right now trucks are what is keeping the shelves stocked, the medical supplies available, and many other essential items available for people. Those truck drivers are running night and day to make sure we have what we need to get through this crisis. The American Trucking Associations is asking the…

Pennsylvania is Closing its Rest Areas

In a recent announcement put out by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, all rest areas and welcome centers will be closed to the public starting today. Truckers need to be aware that they will no longer have access to these places due to the outbreak of Covid-19. Click the link…

USDOT Issues Emergency Declaration for Commercial Vehicles

The United States Department of Transportation has issued an Emergency Declaration for commercial vehicles who are directly involved with Covid-19. Hours of service have changed so emergency supplies can get to where they are needed most in a timely fashion. Those providing direct assistance to emergency relief in relation to…

Mid-America Trucking Show has been Canceled

The Mid-America Trucking Show scheduled for later this month in Louisville, Kentucky has been canceled. After discussing the health crisis out there with vendors, attendees, partners, and others who are involved with the show, they have decided it best to keep everyone healthy by canceling the show. It will return…

Kids in Alabama are Learning About the Trucking Industry

The fifth and sixth-grade students at Troy Elementary School in Troy, Alabama, got a lesson about the trucking industry from employees of Wiley Sanders Truck Lines. The students got to hear about what the trucking industry has to offer by way of careers for men and women and how much…

Wheel Chair Users are Earning Their CDLs

Wallace State Community College in Hanceville, Alabama, offers a Commercial Driver’s License program and those who are in wheelchairs are not being left out. Two men in wheelchairs were determined to become truck drivers and this college found a way to help them. The instructor at Wallace State Community College…