trucking industry

Tomorrow is the Day for the ELD Mandate

Today is the last day drivers and carriers can use AOBRDs (automatic on-board recording devices) to keep track of their hours of service. Starting tomorrow, ELDs (electronic logging devices) are a must for all trucks with the exemption of those with motors older than 2000. The ELDs must be fully…

Neuron EV Gives us the Electric Torq Semi

For a cleaner future, Neuron EV has introduced us to the Torq. The Neuron EV Torq has a battery-electric propulsion system that eliminates the need for fossil fuels and fully reduces harmful emissions. This electric truck was built for functionality, safety, convenience, performance, and low maintenance. With future technologies in…

Study Says Electric Trucks for the Win

A study done by the ICF for the California Electric Transportation Coalition and the Natural Resources Defense Council shows that electric trucks are the way to go in this industry for three reasons. The first is that they will be more cost-efficient in the future. As the cost of battery…

Trucker Turned Author used to Drive in Red High Heels

Rotha Dawkins, the owner of Rotha’s Formal and Tuxedo in Thomasville, North Carolina, used to drive a big rig wearing red high heels. Her 15 years in the trucking industry supplied her with some background information to write her books. The first in the series is called “Red High Heels”…

Motion Seating Technology is Coming to Commercial Vehicles

Comfort Motion Global has been working with commercial vehicle suppliers and carriers to deliver its Motion Seating Technology to commercial vehicles. With driver fatigue being brought into the spotlight more and more these days, Comfort Motion Global wants to help find a solution. This new proprietary motion seat technology gives…

Annual Trucker Light Parade in John Day, Oregon

The 26th annual Timber Truckers Light Parade will be at 6 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 14, down Main Street in John Day, Oregon. This parade demonstrates the importance of the timber industry in Grant County. This year’s theme is “A Storybook Christmas” and there are four categories; farm and ranch,…

Weighing in on Animals Riding Shotgun in Trucks

Spending your days driving down the long road can be a bit lonely, and what better way to solve this problem than to have a traveling companion. Yes, dogs and cats make for good traveling buddies, but according to a transportation lawyer, jurors are going to see them as a…

2020 Truck Dealer of the Year Nominees

Heavy Duty Trucking magazine, the American Truck Dealers, and Procede Software have announced the five nominees for the 2020 Truck Dealer of the Year award. They are Jim Bland of TranSource, Oscar Horton of Sun State International Trucks, Tim Mitchell of Motor Truck Equipment Company, Scott Pearson of Peterbilt, and…