trucking industry

Self-Driving Truck Makes a Cross-Country Trip has announced that they made an autonomous cross-country trip from Tulare, California to Pennsylvania to deliver butter. The trip took less than three days and is labeled the first Level 4 self-driving truck on a commercial freight trip. The truck went 2,800 miles primarily in autonomous mode but was…

Lawsuit Moves Forward Against Rhode Island’s Truck-Only Tolls

The U.S. Court of Appeals has decided that the American Trucking Associations’ lawsuit against Rhode Island’s truck-only tolls can head into federal court. The ATA believes this kind of tolling is a violation of the constitution and discriminates against out-of-state economic interests. Along with some local trucking companies, the ATA…

Life on the Road – Trucking isn’t an Easy Job.

When we think of trucking, what comes to mind? Big trucks, long stretches of driving, honking the loud horn and getting the job done. There are quite a few other factors that come along with being a trucker, like being away from your family for long periods of times, accidents,…

Trailer Emissions Standards put on Hold in California

Greenhouse-gas emission standards for trailers have been put on hold by the California Air Resources Board for possibly two years. They were due to go into effect before January of 2020 but now they will go into effect sometime before January 1, 2022. This delay is due to the lack…

Learn How to Become an Independent Trucker

A couple from Lafayette, Louisiana is teaching other truckers how to become independent. They had to figure out the steps in becoming independent on their own and want to share this knowledge with others who are looking to head in that direction. The “Being in Charge of your Own Authority”…

Sleigh Bells and Santa is Helping the Children of Fallen Truckers

The Sleigh Bells and Santa program provides Christmas gifts to the children of truck drivers who have passed away. This year, they are giving each child a $500 529 College Education Fund. The nomination period for this program is open until December 20. The funds will be available in the…

Trucking Industry in Connecticut is Fighting Truck Only Tolls

Governor Ned Lamont is asking state lawmakers to pass a ‘trucks only’ toll plan as soon as they can and the Connecticut trucking industry is not happy about it. With 62% of the freight in Connecticut traveling within the state these ‘truck only’ tolls will harm the economy. One trucking…

Get Continuing Industry Education with FreightWaves Passport

FreightWaves Passport is a new platform offering continuous education and in-depth research, among other things. The new team is set to launch more research projects and reports. When you become a member you have access to discounts for FreightWave events, proprietary research about the trucking industry, a quarterly magazine, and…